Today Elsie posted in her blog her favorite photo, and invited us visitors to post ours too! This is very hard for me, anyone who knows me knows I take TOOOOOOOONS of pictures!!! But I think that, from the last couple of months I have 2 favorites...
Esse é meu filhote Marcelo, que nesse dia resolveu fazer uma bagunça com os bichinhos de pelúcia, e eu consegui pegar esse momento fofo!! Claro que essa foto já está em uma página de scrap, depois posto aqui.
This is my baby boy Marcelo, this day he decided to play with his stuffed animals, and I captured this cute cute moment! Of course this pic has already been scraped, I'll post the page later.
E essa foto, apesar de não ter nada de mais, pra mim foi muito importante, meu dois filhotes no primeiro dia de aula desse ano (do Marcelo o primeiro dia de aula da vida!)!!! Marcelo com 1 aninho, com o uniforme da escolinha onde a Bia já estudou, e a Bia, 8 anos, toda mocinha! Me deixa muito feliz ver essa foto...
And this picture, altough it is nothing special or artistic, for me is very important, my two kids on their first day of school this year (for Marcelo, his first day of school ever!)!!! Marcelo, 1 year old, wearing the uniform from the same school Bia went to at his age; and Bia, 8 years old, all grown up! This photo makes me very happy...
Saw your post on Elsies and thought I would have a peek at your pics! Totally sweet!!!
these are such cute photos!!!!!!!
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