I´m writing this post in English, just in case I get na international visitor, who knows!
Well, Ali Edwads is an American scrapbook artist, and basically she rocks! Not only her scrapbook lay outs and projects are beautiful, but I also love the way she looks at life´s small things and translates it in a scrapbook lay out. Her blog is so cool, she is a great story teller and a great artist. Well, halfway through this album I posted before, I started reading the articles from Creating Keepsakes (http://www.lifeartmedia.com/studioAarchives), and was so inspired! So, these pages are me trying to scrap Ali´s style! Did I?
(Just to explain the shape of the album… it is the shape of little flags used to decorate a traditional celebration we have in Brazil in the month of June. The kid´s costumes in the picutures are what they wear for these parties.)

Oi DÉ,
Adoro vir aqui no seu blog...seu projetos estam cada dia mais lindos!!!Parabéns!!
Pode deixar que vou postar ainda essa semana varias fotos!!!
Beijos com carinho...Jú...manda beijos pra fofa da Bia...como ela está?!Saudades de vcs!!!!
Muito fofo!!!!
Q lindo seu álbum de São João!!! E eu tb adoro a Ali Edwards....
Oi amiga... seus scraps estão cada dia mais perfeitos... seus filhotes estão fofos demais... mó mãezona orgulhosa!!!
Fiz um blog pra mim, pra colocar meus Scraps Digitais... ainda na fase de engatinhar, mas totalmente apaixonada!!! Um dia fico profissional assim tb tá?! hehehehehe
Um beijão e visita meu blog!
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