Como boa Harry Potter maníaca, fui assitir HP and the Half Blood Prince no dia da estréia, dia 15! Cinema lotado, e começou bem já nos trailers, com o trailer de New Moon! Acho que vai ser melhor que Twilight...
Bom, eu tinha que fazer um post, porque AMEI o filme! Achei excelente, captou bem o espírito do livro! E olha que esse nem é meu livro favorito, gosto mais do Prioseiro de Askaban. Quem mais aí já viu???
Agoa vou pra Scraperia, tem uma tarde animada pela frente!
PS: Edited for international readers (AKA Kim!)
Being crazy for HP, I went to see HP and the Half Blood Prince on opening night. It was completly sold out, and even the trailers were great: we got to seetheNew Moon trailer!
Well, I had to write about it because I just LOVED the movie! It really captured the spirit of the book. And this isn't my favorite HP book, I prefer the Prisioner of Askaban, but this movie was amazing. Have you seen it?
I saw this movie on Wednesday. I loved every minute of it and want to see it again. I can't read what you wrote but I hope you get to see it soon!
I know that many people have said there are some differences from the book...but when does a movie follow a book PERFECTLY? I love the books and I love the movies just in different ways.
Bejios ;)
Dé, vou ver hoje na hora do almoço. Nem te conto todo o meu calvário. E estou me sentindo uma fã de araque. A última de todas a ver!!!! Mando minhas opiniões depois, hehehe
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